张五九 教授级高级工程师

浏览量:5323 作者: 来源: 时间:2017-08-10 【字号:


中国食品发酵工业研究院 副院长



张五九教授主持并参加了“六五”~“十一五”期间啤酒工业技术领域10多项国家科研攻关项目及省部级科研项目的研究工作,如《麦汁外煮沸的研究》,《应用单倍体技术选育啤酒大麦及制麦条件的研究》等;同时,承担并主持承担了多个国家及行业标准的起草工作,如GB4927-2001《啤酒》标准,GB/T 4928-2001《啤酒分析方法》标准,GB/T7416-2000《啤酒大麦》标准,GB/T20369-2006《啤酒花制品》国家标准,QB 1686-1993《啤酒麦芽》标准等,共获得了多项省部级奖励及国家级奖励。近年来主持了与国际啤酒花种植协会、斯洛文尼亚酒花研究所、VLB等国际组织和企业集团的国际技术交流合作项目。与国际啤酒专业组织如欧洲酿造协会、国际啤酒酿造研究会(BRI)建立了紧密的工作联系。


中国酿酒工业协会 : 副理事长

中国酿酒工业协会啤酒专业技术委员会 : 副主任委员

中国酿酒工业协会白酒专业技术委员会 : 委员

国家酿酒工业协会原料专业委员会 : 理事长

国家食品安全风险评估委员会 : 委员

国家科学进步奖 : 评审专家

天津科技大学 : 兼职教授

中国食品发酵工业研究院天津科技大学 : 研究生导师












(1)Disruption of Brewer’s Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase II Gene and Reduction of Acetaldehyde Content During Brewery Fermentation. Journal of American. Society. Of  Brewing. Chemist. 2006. 64(4): 195-201(被SCI收录)

(2)利用基因敲除技术调节酵母代谢产SO2含量的研究. 啤酒科技, 2006年

(3)超滤系统在啤酒酿造水处理中的应用. 啤酒科技, 2006年

(4)纵观PET啤酒包装. 啤酒科技, 2006年

(5)以黑小麦为辅料酿造啤酒的初步研究. 酿酒,2006年

(6)高效液相色谱法测定麦汁、发酵液和啤酒中的嘌呤含量. 食品与发酵工业. 2006年

(7)PET瓶在我国啤酒工业中的应用. 酒.饮料技术装备,2006年

(8)糖化麦汁麦芽糖含量预测模型的建立. 食品与发酵工业,2005年

(9)绿色食品啤酒标准中甲醛测定方法的探讨. 酿酒科技, 2005年


(11)加拿大啤酒大麦产业形势. 中外食品工业, 2003年

(12)中国啤酒工业质量提升与技术创新评析. 中外食品工业, 2003年

(13)啤酒大麦早代筛选技术的研究——利用近红外透射光谱技术评价大麦的品质 .食品与发酵工业, 2001年

(14)试论基础因素与诱发因素对解决啤酒质量问题的影响. 轻工标准与质量. 1998年

(15)对啤酒大麦的探讨. 大麦科学. 1997年

(16)对优化国产啤酒大麦的几点看法. 农牧产品开发. 1997年

(17)对我国实行啤酒大麦质量的综合评价计分方法的探讨. 食品与发酵工业, 1990年 

(18)Raw Material For Brewing in China   Proc. I.O.B. Conv. (Asia Pac. Sect.) 24,99~102  1996年


Professor Zhang Wujiu

Vice-president of China National Research Institute of Food

and Fermentation Industries (CNRIFFI)

Vice-chairman of China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association

Vice-chairman of China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association

Beer Professional Technical Committee

Commissioner of China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association

Spirit Professional Technical Committee

Chairman of China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association

Materials Professional Committee

Commissioner of The National Food Safety Risk Assessment Committee

Evaluation Expert of The National Science and Technology Progress Award

Adjunct Professor of Tianjin University of Science and Technology

Graduate Supervisor of China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries (CNRIFFI)

Professor Zhang Wujiu mainly engaged in scientific research in the field of brewing and has achieved significant academic achievement. For solving the general and key technological problems in brewing industry, he established and developed a new theory and put forward new views for brewing industry. He has made a contribution for brew-making industry development and technical progress.

Due to his outstanding achievement of academic study, he won the 4th China youth technology prize by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, State Personnel Department and China Science and Technology Association in 1995 . In 1996 he was specially promoted to professor level senior engineer. In 2002 he received the state council special allowance.In 2004 he is certified for one hundred individuals of the Chinese brewing industry by China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association . In 2006 he was awarded as "China brewing master" title.

Professor Zhang Wujiu was the superintendent of more than 10 items of Chinese National and the province department level scientific research projects from “6th Five-Year Plan” to “11th Five-Year Plan”. The projects included"Research on Outside the Boiling of Wort" , "Research on Breeding of Barley and Malting Conditions by Application of Haploid Technology " etc.; He was also responsible for drafting several national professional standards and obtained many provincial awards and state prizes. The standards were GB4927-2001 “Beer”, GB/T 4928-2001 “Method for analysis of Beer”, GB/T7416-2000 “Malting barley”, GB/T20369-2006 “Hop products”, QB 1686-1993 “Beer malt”. In recent years, he took charge of international technical communication projects with International Hop Growers Association, Slovenian Institute of Hop, VLB etc. Meanwhile, he established and strengthened the relationship with those international beer professional association including European Brewing Association, Brewing Research International.

Patent inventor

As the main inventor, Professor Zhang Wujiu applied for two patents In brewing technology and equipment. As one of the main inventors He applied for eight patents in the fields of new products of Beer, use of spent grains and yeast.

Work and article

Main representative works include: "Chinese Beer Industry Recycling Economy" ,"Beer Industry Manual of national Standards and Technology "," Technical standard assembly of alcoholic beverage industry", "Beer national standards stipulation ", "China malting barley "

Main representative Papers include:

(1)Disruption of Brewer’s Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase II Gene and Reduction of Acetaldehyde Content During Brewery Fermentation. Journal of American. Society. Of Brewing.
